Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 7, 2018

These are the rules that Marvel Studio must adhere to when the Disney empire

These are the rules that Marvel Studio must adhere to when the Disney empire

1. cameo (guest) is no longer optional

On the screen, cameo refers to the guest roles in which a celebrity actor joins a small scene of a movie title to surprise viewers. Most guest roles are entirely voluntary.
But not at MCU. Guest roles are decided by Disney, and you must be present if required. Chris Evans's contract extends from Captain America's first film to Avengers 4. For example, he was forced to appear in a cut scene for Thor 2, as well as a post-Spider- Man: Homecoming.

2. Marvel movies must always "stuffed" the details suggestive to Disney

As mentioned, Avengers: Age of Ultron is the first piece to mark the entry into the "Disney Cinema Universe". In the film, Utron's artificial intelligence also has the opportunity to sing "I've Got No Strings," which is the theme song of the Pinocchio wooden boy in the animated title with the name of the Mouse House.

Spider-Man has also repeatedly referred to the Star Wars movie brand - now under Disney.
Watch more movie of Marvel in watch32 movies

3. Actors are not allowed to create their own acting

Every Hollywood actor has a unique way of acting. This is also the highlight that they stand in the middle of the forest of stars. However, Disney said that only dictatorship could produce good roles.
Specifically, each actor will be constrained in a style that Disney considers the most appropriate. Robert Downey Jr. Always exuberant and seductive to be able to circle Tony Stark, just as Chris Evans needs to be calm, honest when blowing the soul of Captain America.
Remember, in 2008, The Incredible Hulk was Disney's first film about the Green Giant. But due to disagreement with the subject in the way, the actor is the main character Edward Norton was fired. The role of Bruce Banner / The Hulk then belongs to Mark Ruffalo.

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4. Do not violent, do not smoke books, "sex" must also ... dress

In the lead up to the mainstream audience, Disney will never allow a Marvel title rated above 13+. That is also the reason in the movie after the Avengers: Age of Ultron possesses very few bloodshed, deadly. Only TV series like The Punisher, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, ... can be labeled over 18 years old. Similarly, Nick Fury originally smoked "like carriages", but when the film is absolutely not touching cigarettes. Similarly, stimulants are not allowed to be mentioned.

Remember that in the first Iron Man movie, Tony Stark is portrayed as a billionaire blossom, just a few sweet words were able to go to bed with the beautiful girl. Suddenly in the title later, he was "gentle," became a model man, even sleeping with his lover in a "high-walled" state.
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