Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 7, 2018

The rules that Marvel must follow when taken over by Walt Disney

The rules that Marvel must follow when taken over by Walt Disney

To become a Marvel Studios hero is not easy, especially when the studio is in the hands of the "omnipotent" Walt Disney.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2012) is the first movie of the MCU (Marvel Movie Universe) to mark Walt Disney's takeover of Marvel Studios. Protected by one of the world's largest movie studios, its superhero movies outperformed their competitors.
Working with a powerful "empire of commerce" like Disney is not always easy, because in order to secure the image, the Mouse House offers a series of tough rules that are hard to believe and force companies to. You must comply.

1. Fake scripts and windowless rooms

According to Elizabeth Olsen (as Scarlet Witch), the actor reading the script must enter a room without a window. They were not allowed to carry the phone, and were obliged to read the whole manuscript and get out.
However, not all of the scripts are real. To prevent the actors from revealing the movie content, some details or fake lines will be added.
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2. An "island" ticket if you do not know how to keep the beautiful image

Throughout its development, the Disney company has been reluctant to cancel the contract with the actors who may have negatively impacted its reputation. That means you are not only a hero on the screen, but also have to be a hero in real life.
Thus, each MCU actor should be a role model that children can follow. They must regularly visit hospitals, schools, charitable activities; And say no to cigarettes.

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3. Always have to be present when the Mouse House needs it

Idris Elba, the actor who plays Heimdall in the three Thor movies, mentioned that the pressure that Walt Disney brought was really choking. Once upon a time, while participating in the project Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom in South Africa, Elba received the "summon" fire he returned to film Marvel to return to a scene in Thor 2 If you refuse, your character is at risk of death in the next installment.

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